About our experience with the Speech Festival
We have a passion for helping students with the Speech Festival and have been providing training for over 15 years experience with a very strong track record.
We hold a linguistics degree with a strong knowledge of poetry.
We see ourselves as a facilitator, guiding students and developing the talent and nurturing confidence and the skills children already have.
Link to view 2015 rehearsal photo album
- all proceeds went to VCSL Charity.
Below are some of the e-mails and WhatsApps we have received from parents we have removed their names for privacy reasons.
We do not take credit for the success of these students - we merely do our best to nurture the students' own talent. We thank these parents for their kind comments, though.
Testimonial from parent:
我誠意推薦一位資深的英語老師──Mrs. Wendy Lau。她從事教育工作已超過二十多年,亦是我兩個女兒的英文輔導老師。
我兩位女兒分別就讀瑪利諾修院學校及拔萃女書院。自幼便跟隨Mrs. Lau學習英文寫作、英國文學,至今已十多年。在她悉心的教導下,我女兒的英文水準尤見卓越。長女在去年第一屆中學文憑試(DSE)英文科考試取得5*的優良成績。次女更在英國文學科獲得A級的校內評級,令人鼓舞。
Mrs. Lau是一位外籍的英語老師。憑她的一顆愛心及其循循善誘下,我兩女兒皆獲益良多。無論在寫作的技巧、語文的運用及表達都能充份掌握。Mrs. Lau 更會配合個別同學的水準及需要去制定教材,包括詞彙、文學著作的人物概括等,使同學們都能深入淺出地作分析及理解,在教學的範疇確能做到「有教無類」。
再者,Mrs. Lau在朗誦的演繹尤是出神入化。得到Mrs. Lau的正規指導下,我幼女兒在小學時期每年度的英文朗誦比賽都獲得冠、亞軍的優越成績。Mrs. Lau 不但在音準、聲調上給予學生適當的指引,更講究神韻的表達。她會給學生講解詩中故事的背景,人物的情緒等等,讓他們都能融入角色,朗出韻味。
幸得Mrs. Lau的耐心教導,我兩女兒皆畢生受惠。長女去年已考進香港大學,幼女仍在跟隨Mrs. Lau學習,我衷心感謝她之餘,更期盼其他同學都能分享到這份優秀的師資,誠意推介這位資深老師給各位家長、同學。
"I am soooooo touched by the thoughtfulness and recognition that you bestowed upon Anthony. I have to say your love and dedication for students is unfathomable, and I can see God's grace in how you steer your students through their challenges, pursuits and most importantly, difficult times. "
-Edna (Parent of 3 students)
"Education is not about filling a bucket, but lighting a fire! "
- William Yeats